Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chapter 4 post

     I would use a more hands on writing activity because I'm a kenisiology major and getting the students involved in the assignment helps them learn the how to of the assignment. When I was in school I've been called a hands on learner, I think its easier to learn if you actually go through what the teach is talking about. So you can get it down pack.
     I'd try to keep the PowerPoint topic to a passing grade when it needs to presented so it will be animated but not to the point where everybody watching the presentation slides instead of listening to me as I go through the slides. But then they say if your presentation isn't interesting they wouldn't pay attention, so here it would be a win, loose type of PowerPoint. 
Following the guidelines from the textbook should be something easy to do and will allow for a very affective presentation  But overall I find that this would be easy to follow.
    Power points in the classroom nowadays are like teaching us and taking notes. I feel like some classes don't even need teachers from the way they read the slides and end class the way they do. But it also allows the class to be their own teachers study what that think is important for the tests and actually know the material because they wrote it down, I say what you write down you remember it even if you haven't studied for a exam.
JONASSEN, DAVID, HOWLAND, JANE, MARRA, ROSE M, & CRISMOND, DAVID. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology 3rd edition . New Jersy,New York: Pearson.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the teachers and the powerpoints that I have seen at this school. They seem to drag on forever and cover every bit of information. It is nice that we can be our own teachers through their powerpoints, but at the same time, I feel like they should be teaching us more than just what is already mapped out for them (and us).

    Aimee McDurmon
