Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gee's principle Blog Posting

The "Discovery Principle" is, in my opinion, one of the most important principle in learning. When a learner takes their current knowledge and explores a subject to find out its depths, information is a little easier to hold on to; it has more meaning to the learner. The "Practice Principle" is important because it reinforces the "Discovery Principle". When a student can practice a routine that is not boring to them, they get better and more experienced at the skill being learned. The "Probing Principle" I believe coordinates well with the other two principles I have chosen because while a student may discover new information, if there is no reflection on it, no new ideas can come out of it. A student has to probe the information to think about approaches in the subject that may not have been thought of before.
I would support a simulation that worked from the existing knowledge of my students at a given point in the teaching of a new concept and allowed them to discover, probe and reflect on that information to come up with theories of their own. It would be great for them to simulate those theories and be able to prove them, but this approach may be better for science courses.
I believe the above three principles to be aligned with what most students in middle school are capable of doing. If I could find a simulation that enabled my students to learn the English language, that would be fantastic. I think more applications for these principles lie in the science-related courses, other than my selected major of kinesiology.
Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassens, D., Marra, R. M. (2008).  Meaningful
learning with technology. Columbus: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.


  1. I agree. The "Practice Principle" does reinforce the "Discovery Princple". The student will undoubtedly explore topics in different depths, but without applying repetition to the new found knowledge the bounderies recede.

  2. I am in full agreement with the three principles you selected. I feel that all three emphasize the student's ability to learn more than a teacher's ability to merely impart information. Involving the student is imperative if they are to get the most out of any lesson.

  3. I agree that the discovery principle is very important. I mean if your able to almost relearn something but go into it deeper you are really going to understand it.


  4. I agree with how the discovery principle is one of the most important principles for a student. When a student actually searchers for information and learns new things, then they are more likely to remember that information than the teacher teaching it to them.

  5. The three principles you have chosen are very important learning techniques that students can bennifit from. Discovery principle is very effective because it can let a student get a well rounded concept of a subjest and help them to retain the information as well. ( :

  6. great blog, the practice and discovery principles do go hand in hand and i feel they are very helpful to students, coming from my experience as a student
